1986 Women's World Cup

Pool A


1 - 0 (0 - 0)

Official '


First Half Canada Scotland 35'
Second Half Canada Scotland 70'


Team Minute Shirt # Player Action Score
Canada 56 4 LYN Lisa Penalty Corner 1 - 0

Card Detail

G - Green, Y - Yellow, R - Red
Team Minute Shirt # Player Type Umpire
Canada 61 16 CREELMAN Sharon G

Match Officials

Role Official
Umpire FARKE E (GER)
Scoring Judge GRÜNER Ingeborg (AUT)
Timing Judge
Technical Officer SIBERT-BAILEY Dorothy (MAS)

Head to Head Matches

Senior Womens Outdoor
Competition Details Date/Time Teams Pitch Status Scoreline
2024 Test Matches SCO v CAN (W) Senior Womens Outdoor 26 May 2024 14:30 CAN v SCO Pitch 1 Official 1 - 3 Lineup
2024 Test Matches SCO v CAN (W) Senior Womens Outdoor 25 May 2024 15:30 CAN v SCO Pitch 1 Official 1 - 1 Lineup
Commonwealth Games 2022 (W) Senior Womens Outdoor 7 Aug 2022 11:15 CAN v SCO (5th - 6th place) Official 3 - 1 Lineup
2019 Test matches SCO v CAN (Women) Senior Womens Outdoor 21 May 2019 19:00 CAN v SCO Official 2 - 1 Lineup
2019 Test matches SCO v CAN (Women) Senior Womens Outdoor 19 May 2019 12:30 CAN v SCO Official 7 - 1 Lineup
2019 Test matches SCO v CAN (Women) Senior Womens Outdoor 18 May 2019 15:00 CAN v SCO Official 4 - 1 Lineup
2019 Test matches SCO v CAN (Women) Senior Womens Outdoor 16 May 2019 19:00 CAN v SCO Official 3 - 0 Lineup
2019 Test matches SCO v CAN (Women) Senior Womens Outdoor 15 May 2019 19:00 CAN v SCO Official 4 - 1 Lineup
XXI Commonwealth Games (W) Senior Womens Outdoor 6 Apr 2018 21:30 CAN v SCO (Pool B) Official 0 - 0 Lineup
1986 Women's World Cup Senior Womens Outdoor 17 Aug 1986 17:00 CAN v SCO (Pool A) Official 1 - 0 (0 - 0) Lineup
* FIHTMS data is accurate for every match from 2013 until today's date. Historic data from 2012 and earlier is currently in the process of being digitalised by FIH therefore all matches between both nations may not yet be listed. If you notice any inaccuracies with any of the data currently listed, please email tech@fih.ch

Match Details

Competition 1986 Women's World Cup
Senior Womens Outdoor
Match # 15
Date/Time 1986-08-17 17:00
Title Pool A

Match Awards

Award Player Team